ACSIの認証評価プロトコルは、大きく分けて2つの点でユニークです。(1) 組織の各構成要素の精神的側面を探り、(2) 組織の教育の質と完全性に対処する。後者は、学校が独自の哲学、使命、目標の声明に忠実であることを示し、質と有効性の基準を満たしていることを示す問題に対処する。
出典:ACSI ACSI ウェブサイト
WASC Accreditation
The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC), a world-renowned accrediting association and one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. Department of State. ACS WASC provides assistance to schools worldwide, primarily in California, Hawaii, Guam, Asia, the Pacific Region, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
Accreditation is integral to a school’s perpetual cycle of assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, and reassessment based upon student achievement. It fosters excellence in elementary, secondary, adult, and postsecondary education by encouraging school improvement through a process of continuing evaluation and to recognize, by accreditation, schools that meet an acceptable level of quality in accordance with established criteria. In addition to its official title, WASC also means We Are Student-Centered.
Source : WASC Website
ICHTHUS is a proud recipient of the WASC accreditation, having gone through rigorous accreditation processes to achieve this recognition. This is a testament to the high quality and standard of the education programme in ICHTHUS.
Cambridge School
We are a Cambridge examination school. Ichthus students study and prepare towards the Cambridge Checkpoint and IGCSE external examinations for Grade 6, Grade 8 and Grade 10.