Ichthus South Campus – A Student Led Secondary Production
Secondary South Campus students predominantly planned, produced and hosted the event. Teachers, took a back seat to this one, although we know Mr Andy was always supervising, advising and guiding all the students that everything stayed within reasonable boundaries…..the outcome? An engaging, entertainment and completely student led Christmas ensemble ranging from solo and group singing, poetry recital, playing musical instruments, story telling and dancing.
Our students shared what they usually do for Christmas
“We usually gather and bake cookies and have a fun family gathering. “
“Christmas is a big and important tradition – we will gather in a restaurant or to grandpa’s place for Steak and feast on puddings. “
“We go to church on Christmas Day. We have a Christmas Feast”
It’s a happy day and we gather in Church
We gather at my cousin’s house and have good food and fun…
We gather at grannie’s and have delicious food like rendang, rotissierie roast chicken and…..
Wishing for healing and the pandemic to end
We will open our presents, go through our Christmas stockings and empty our loot into a common pot! It’s so much fun.
Let the Show Begin!
Secondary School rendition of “All I want for Christmas….is You”
Two of our talented Ichthusians performing here and only showed the pictures as avatars. We would love to see you singing in person!
The Story of Christmas
told through the singing of carols by Ichthusians
A touching Christmas story – The Little MatchStick Girl, Arranged, illustrated and narrated by our own Ichthusians. A classic story, a touching rendition and story telling - I am sure, I saw a few teary eyes among the audience….
We were all silent and moved after this touching story but Christmas is a joyous occasion and celebration so, it’s time for singing and dancing again.
More amazing singing.
We were treated to a symphony of virtual choir singing of “Hark the Herald Angel Sing”
Fancy Santa Telling Christmas Stories?
After all the singing and dancing, Santa treated us to one last story of Christmas.